Suleymania Heritage Houses
Dr. Simone Mühl
Kamal Rasheed
LMU University of Munich
Suleymania Heritage Houses

In the course of the 2018 excavation mission at Gird-i Shamlu in Iraqi Kurdistan we had the opportunity to assist the Directorate of Antiquities of Suleymania with the 3D-documentation of two Heritage Houses. The houses were damaged by earthquakes and are now part of a preservation and renovation project, funded with the help of the Gerda-Henkel Foundation (Patrimonies) and coordinated by the Directorate of Antiquities.

The two houses were recorded with a combination of GNSS-positioning, Total Station Measurements and 3D-photogrammetry, resulting in precisely geolocated high-resolution 3D-models of the houses and their decorated rooms.

Documentation by
Eva Schmalenberger
Felix Wolter
Project Link
Suleymania Museum Website
Gerda-Henkel Foundation

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